Townhouses for rent in Runda, Nairobi
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Townhouses for rent in Runda, Nairobi
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Spacious townhouses for rent in Runda, Nairobi, offer an average living space of 761m2, with prices starting at KES 327K and reaching up to KES 1.1M. Most of these properties are conveniently close to schools and shopping centres, enhancing lifestyle and convenience for residents.
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5 Bed Townhouse with Swimming Pool at Village Market And Roslyn Academy
Splendid 5 bedrooms townhouse in runda close to ...
Close to Germany school, Village market and Roslyn Academy, Runda, Westlands
Splendid 5 bedrooms townhouse in runda close to...
5 Bed Townhouse with Swimming Pool at Village Market And Roslyn Academy
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