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Residential Land in Mtwapa
These are residential serviced plots located approximately 1.2km from the Mombasa-Malindi Highway. The property has close proximity to the sandy beach and is suitable for immediate settlement and development.
✅1/4 Acre for Ksh.1,300,000; Deposit Ksh 600k balance in 6 months.
✅1/8 Acre for Ksh.595,000; Deposit Ksh 200,000, clear balance in 6 monthly installments.
NB:- Price is inclusive of Title deed processing fees, legal fees, and stamp duty.
Social amenities/utilities include;
✔Permanent Beacons
✔Electricity and Water on site
✔Well Graded 9m wide access roads
✔Entire Land secured with perimeter fence
✔Close proximity to hotels, shopping centers, and recreational facilities
For inquiries;
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Basic Info
Date Created 21/01/2025
Mortgage Calculation
Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculator
KSh 0
KSh 100M
3 Years
25 Years
0 %
80 %
Amount Financed:
Standard Chartered Bank
Contact details
Joseph Ibrahim
Joslink Property Group
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