
Office in Ruiru

KSh 48,390 / month



Eneo at Tatu Central 3KE1662861 Eneo at Tatu Central is your future state-of-the-art office space, strategically located in Tatu City, the 5,000-acre Special Economic Zone on Nairobi's doorstep. Tatu City is located in Nairobi's rapidly expanding northeastern growth corridor, accessible from Thika Superhighway, Northern & Eastern Bypasses and Kiambu Road. Eneo offers so much more than corporate office or retail space. Designed according to sustainable best practices, it harmonizes the work, wellness and social lifestyle created in Tatu City through carefully considered spaces in a single precinct, close to transportation hubs, executive and affordable housing and local and international ...
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Basic Info

  • Date Created 14/08/2024


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Avneet Nandhra

Nafisa Teja

Rina Shah

Pam Golding Properties

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