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KSh 4,800,000
Nairobi, Kileleshwa
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5,200 ft² Warehouse with Backup Generator at Southern Bypass
Godown space available To let - 3,500sqft - 5,229 sqf available
2km off Southern bypass easily accessible to Westlands and Mombasa Rd
Suitable for distribution business, storage and light manufacturing
-Office and Mezzanine floor available.
-Turning space for large trucks available
- 3 phase power supply
- Staff quarter house for supervisor also available for rent.
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Basic Info
Date Created 24/02/2025
Internal features
Backup Generator
External features
Electric Fence|
Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculator
KSh 0
KSh 100M
3 Years
25 Years
0 %
80 %
Amount Financed:
Standard Chartered Bank
Contact details
Real Management
Real Management Services(2002) Limited
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