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KSh 70,000 / month
Nairobi, Kilimani
3 rms
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KSh 75,000 / month
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KSh 120,000 / month
Nairobi, Kilimani
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90.3 m²
KSh 90,000 / month
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KSh 120,000 / month
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KSh 250,000 / month
Nairobi, Kilimani
3 rms
4,100 ft² Warehouse with Parking at Baba Dogo
Size: 4,100 sq. ft.
Rent: Ksh 35 per sq. ft. plus VAT
This spacious godown offers ample parking, reliable city council and borehole water supply, 24/7 security with CCTV surveillance, and regular garbage collection.
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Basic Info
Date Created 14/03/2025
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