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30,000 m² Residential Land at Aistrip
Why Invest in Nanyuki?
Nanyuki is a cosmopolitan area with a rich climate, good infrastructure, a rapid growing tourism industry and agriculture.
Our project is located just 3.5km from tarmac, in a serene environment.
Well fenced and beaconed
Offers a beautiful view of the Mt. Kenya and Aberdare ranges
Ideal for a holiday / gateway home away from the buzzle and hustle of the city
Water and electricity available
Flexible payment plan
Ready Individual Titles
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Basic Info
Date Created 09/12/2024
Mortgage Calculation
Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculator
KSh 0
KSh 100M
3 Years
25 Years
0 %
80 %
Amount Financed:
Standard Chartered Bank
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Edville properties
Edville Properties
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