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Nairobi, Westlands
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180 m²
3 Bed Apartment with En Suite at Kilimani
These stunningly beautiful and lavish 3 bedroom apartments are decked out with the latest modern appliances and décor. Each unit has enough space for singles or families to live comfortably without feeling squeezed up.
Shared Facilities include;
High speed fibre Internet,
High speed and spacious lift,
Ample parking for all residents and visitors,
Borehole water for uninterrupted supply,
Perimeter wall with electric fencing,
CCTV Cameras around the premises and public areas.
24-hour manned security.
Available units in ground floor, first floor, 3rd floor, 5floor and 6th floor.
Ready for you to move in.
Monthly Rent : Kes 110,000-
Exclusive viewing through Zyve Africa Realty.
We are glad to arrange for your viewing.
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Basic Info
Date Created 11/03/2025
Internal features
Backup Generator|
En Suite|
Fibre Internet|
Walk In Closet
External features
Electric Fence|
Bus Stop|
Shopping Centre|
Golf Course|
Scenic View|
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