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0.125 ac Land at Behind Nibs And Spur Mall
Estate: Kimbo
• Nearest Land Mark: Nairobi Institute of Business Studies (NIBS) – Ruiru Campus.
• Directions: Behind Spur Mall. Served by an all weather road from Ruiru - Githunguri Road.
• Size: Eighth of an acre (0.125 acres)
• Measurements: 50ft X 100ft
• Shape: Rectangular shape
• Authorised Use: Commercial Plot
• Ideal use: Go down, yard, shops, highrise commercial building.
• Ownership Document: title deed
• Soil Type: Black cotton
• Terrain: Open and vacant ready for development
Property Description: This is a mature commercial area with educational institutions, malls, petrol stations and high rise buildings.
Price: Kshs 12m
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Basic Info
Date Created 11/03/2025
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