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600 m²
KSh 11,000,000
Kilifi County, Mtwapa
4 rms
0.125 ac Land at Rwaka
50x100 (Eighth Acre Plot)
Located 200m from Quickmart Supermarket.
Third row from the tarmac.
In a built up area with highrise apartments.
Well drained.
Red soil.
Flat and gently sloping.
50m from Limuru Road.
Water and electricity available for connection.
Ready title.
Price : Kshs.25m
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Basic Info
Date Created 11/03/2025
Mortgage Calculation
Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculator
KSh 0
KSh 100M
3 Years
25 Years
0 %
80 %
Amount Financed:
Standard Chartered Bank
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