
Kayole estate in Naivasha is one of the most developed and sought after residential and commercial areas in Naivasha.
Its adequately secure and the infrastructure is well developed in comparison to most other estates in Naivasha.
Its close proximity to the highway, Bufallo Mall, Petrol stations, Police station within the estate and proximity to Naivasha town CBD makes the area the ideal place for your home or business.
Rents in the area are also marginally higher in comparison to the other areas.
The demand for land for land and rental spaces has continued to grow over the years, hence, land prices in the area have doubled in the last 3 years.
Therefore, an investment in Kayole estate is always a great move, either for your home, or for commercial use, or further, for speculation.
Come get your residential or commercial eighth acre (50 X 100) plot with us.
Price: Kshs 1.95m
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Date Created 23/03/2025
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