![Colvi Investments logo](https://i.roamcdn.net/prop/brk/agency-thumb-200w-200h/d5484610e452c7d5e5d9006a64b4913b/-/prod-property-core-backend-media-brk/3000659/d9e3af58-cbb2-4d4d-85af-caa634e0460f.jpg)
Colvi Investments
Real Estate Agency in
Listings Statistics
Colvi Investments currently presents a total of 12 listings on BuyRentKenya, all of which are properties for rent. Over the past 12 months, they have offered a total of 14 properties, comprising an equal distribution of apartments and houses. The rental prices for their listings have ranged from 180K KSH to 430K KSH.
Our agents
Colvi Investments