Are Kilimani and Kileleshwa Suburbs Worth the Hype?

Kilimani and Kileleshwa are some of the suburbs that most Kenyans dream to reside in. But are these areas worth the rental or purchase investment?

Are Kilimani and Kileleshwa Suburbs Worth the Hype?

Out with the old bungalows and in with new modern high-rise structural buildings and apartment.

This is the current reality of Kilimani and Kileleshwa. Kilimani and Kileleshwa in the early and mid-20th century were mostly made up of residential neighborhoods characterized by spacious bungalows and low-rise homes.

These areas were primarily residential and were favored for their serene environments. However, the late 1990s and early 2000s saw a significant change, marked by a surge in property development, especially high-rise apartments and commercial buildings, to meet the escalating demand for housing and office spaces.

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This transition reflects the evolution of these areas into vibrant mixed-use districts.

Kilimani & Kileleshwa’s Noteworthy Transformation over Time

The property market in Kileleshwa and Kilimani has seen significant change over the last couple of years. In Kilimani, for example, a market analysis by Vaal Real Estate revealed that property value has risen by more than 200%, going from Kshs.114 million in 2011 to Kshs.390 million in 2023.

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This is as a result of the demand and supply of residential spaces, as well as the increasing purchasing power of individuals caused by the ever-expanding middle class.

In the evolution of urban spaces, the concentric zone theory is evident, transitioning areas surrounding the CBD from old bungalows to commercial properties—a transformation observed in Kilimani and Kileleshwa.

These new developments were brought about by changes in the Nairobi County’s bylaws, which gave way for the construction of high-rise buildings in areas that had been previously reserved for one-storied single-family dwellings.

The response to this has been a mix of positive and negative reactions from the current residents in these areas.

The Cost Impact of these Changes

The changes happening in Kilimani and Kileleshwa have precipitated both positive and negative implications among the residents and the environs. In the past, people moved there for the neighborhood’s serenity, fresh air, safety and privacy.

As a result of the emergence of new constructions, failure of proper planning and the disregard for County directives by a couple of real estate developers, the community has witnessed some negative repercussions.

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Some of the ills have manifested in the form of felling of trees to accommodate new buildings, a strain on sewer lines unable to handle the surge in high-rise structures and a rise in insecurity due to the increased population.

If that’s not all, the area has also seen the upsurge informal businesses and a poor accessibility of water as a result of a lack of an updated water infrastructure to cater to the ballooning population.

Despite the negative changes, some positives have also been experienced by the new residents. As a result of the new high-rise buildings, which have led to limited exclusivity of the neighborhoods, a lot of people have gotten the chance to live in close proximity to the CBD thus, promoting accessibility.


Change is inevitable and Nairobi is growing rapidly. Areas close to the CBD are quickly transforming into mixed-use neighborhoods, where there is a mixture of both residential and commercial spaces, or are predominantly becoming commercial zones.

So are Kilimani and Kileleshwa really worth the hype?

I think this depends on what side of the spectrum you look at it from. For people that are looking for exclusivity and serenity, this will most likely not be their preferred area of living. For others, however, these areas are ideal as they are central hence being accessible to their places of work, schools, shopping centers and other social amenities.

That being said, it’s crucial to take into account the surrounding factors of an area before deciding where to reside.

READ ALSO: The Alba Garden Apartments in Kilimani

Video from Dolphine 254
Lulu Kiritu
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